Mediterranean Diet and Reduced Dementia Risk

Scientists have conducted many studies into whether there is a link between the diet you eat and the likelihood of you developing dementia. Some have even found that following specific diets may reduce the risk of suffering from this debilitating condition later in life. According to the Alzheimer’s Society, the best diet to follow if you want to reduce the risk of suffering from dementia is a Mediterranean diet, as research shows a link between a Mediterranean diet and reduced dementia risk. Evidence also shows that this diet helps reduce the risk of developing memory and thinking problems.

What is a Mediterranean Diet?

Mediterranean diet is now a term used to describe a diet that is influenced by the ingredients traditionally used in the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.

It is typically high in fruits and vegetables. Other food groups that are largely typical of this type of diet are cereals and legumes.

The diet includes moderate consumption of dairy and oily fish, while it is low in meat content. Other foods that are rarely used are those that are high in sugar and saturated fat.

Studies into the Mediterranean Diet and Reduced Dementia Risk

There have been many studies on the benefits of a Mediterranean diet. One of the earlier studies took place in the 1960s. This showed that there were lower rates of heart attacks amongst men living in Mediterranean regions.

Further studies have also shown links between following this diet and reduced rates of type 2 diabetes.

In terms of dementia, studies began into links between a Mediterranean diet and a reduced dementia risk when scientists learned that those who followed this diet experienced fewer problems with memory and thinking.

Recently, more research was conducted to pull all the previous findings together. The aim was to learn more about the potential link between following a Mediterranean diet and a lower risk of dementia development.

How Does a Mediterranean Diet Reduce the Risk of Dementia?

So, why does a Mediterranean diet reduce the risk of dementia? One reason is that many of the foods in this diet are high in antioxidants. These can help protect brain cells against the damage caused by conditions such as Alzheimer’s.

The diet can also reduce the signs of inflammation and lower cholesterol levels. There is proof that both factors have an impact on memory and thinking.

It is important to note that there have been some inconsistencies among the studies. It is possible that the reason people eating a Mediterranean diet has lower rates of dementia is simply a result of this group of people living a generally healthier life.

Is Diet the Only Factor?

Of course, eating a Mediterranean diet alone will not eliminate the risk of developing dementia. There are many other factors that potentially contribute to the development of this condition.

Some people have a genetic predisposition to develop dementia. Some evidence suggests an increased risk of developing dementia if someone in your family has suffered from this condition.

Lifestyle factors also play a part, in the risk of developing dementia. So, reducing alcohol intake, not smoking, and exercising regularly are all important steps to take. This can reduce the risk of developing dementia in the future.


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