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Food and Lifestyle, Healthy Eating

Is An Allergy to E Numbers My Problem?

I think that I have finally uncovered the mystery of why I have been having strange symptoms for the last few years. I can go days without any symptoms and then suddenly get all the symptoms at one. My symptoms have include rashes covering large parts of my body, bowel problems, joint pain, muscle pain, fatigue, and swelling. At one point I was seeing a rheumatologist, a dermatologist, an oncologist and a haematologist.

Desserts and Puddings, Recipes, Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes

Cinnamon Apple Crisps- An Easy Recipe

My children love eating fruit and I am always looking for interesting ways to include fruit in their diet other than simply allowing them to help themselves out of the fruit bowl. They also love to help out in the kitchen and I believe that it is important that children learn how to cook. One simple snack that we have been making together recently is cinnamon apple crisps. Not only is this a really simple recipe, it is also a healthy and delicious snack. I have really enjoyed eating these while I have been trying to lose weight. Here is how to make cinnamon apple crisps. 

Accompaniments, dips, and sauces, Recipes, Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes

Bubble and Squeak Recipe- A Fantastic Use of Leftovers

Bubble and squeak is a British dish that is traditionally made using leftover mashed potatoes and cabbage. However, you can make it using any leftover vegetables and will taste different depending on which vegetables you use. I have written this differently to my other recipes in the sense that it does not have specific quantities, it is just what you have leftover. It is really easy to make and ideal for those on a budget. It is also suitable for vegetarians. Here is a recipe for bubble and squeak.