close up of milk against blue background

Calcium in Your Diet and the Best Foods to Eat

milk- one of the best foods to get calcium in your diet
Milk- one of the best foods to get calcium in your diet: Photo by Pixabay on

Eating a varied diet, including a range of minerals and vitamins, is essential for optimal health. One of the minerals humans need in their diet is calcium. So why do you need calcium in your diet, what happens if you do not have enough, and what are the best foods to eat?

Why Do You Need Calcium in Your Diet?

Calcium is an essential mineral that our body needs for various functions. It is crucial to maintain strong teeth and bones, as well as for proper muscle and nerve function, blood clotting, and regulating your heartbeat.

What Happens If You Do Not Have Enough Calcium?

Not including the right vitamins and minerals in your diet is detrimental to your health. If you do not have enough calcium in your diet, your body may take calcium from your bones, leading to weaker bones and a higher risk of osteoporosis. In addition, low calcium levels can affect nerve and muscle function, blood clotting, and the regulation of your heartbeat.

The Best Foods to Eat to Get Calcium in Your Diet

Incorporating calcium-rich foods into your diet is the best way to ensure you are getting enough of this vital mineral. Some of the best calcium sources include dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yoghurt, as well as leafy greens like kale and spinach. Fortified foods like tofu, orange juice, and certain kinds of plant milk can also provide calcium. By including these foods in your meals, you can promote optimal health and reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis and other health problems associated with low calcium levels.

Recommended Recipes

Getting enough calcium in your diet is easier than you may think. Dairy is one of the best ways to include calcium in a healthy diet, and we recommend the following recipes:

Those who have milk allergies or who are dairy intolerant worry that they will not get enough calcium due to not including dairy products. Similarly, vegans may share the same concerns for the same reasons. However, including spinach in your diet is a simple way to ensure you get enough of this nutrient. We recommend the following recipes from across our site:

Do you have any great calcium-rich recipes? Let us know in the comments below.

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